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What is SQL Used For?

Cords coming out of SQL server

One of the most used computer programming languages is Structured Query Language or SQL. People unfamiliar with coding or programming could be unfamiliar with the term or mistake it for something else. What is SQL, and what is it used for?

Structured Query Language, or SQL, is most associated with databases. It works like any other programming language and allows users to interact with files stored inside the database. It gives them speedy access to files that could be hard to reach with traditional search methods.

When it comes to programming, a newbie can be easily confused and intimidated by all the complex numbers and lettering that must be precisely entered. When people get discouraged, they find ways not to interact, and if you are a database manager, you cannot allow this to happen. So, read on and learn all the uses of SQL.

What are the Uses of SQL?

SQL is one of the most used database languages in computing. Database managers and others on the base can manipulate the data much faster and efficiently because of the SQL programming language. It is used in several applications and combines several different mini-languages to make it work.

SQL Is Used As A Data Definition Language

One of SQL's essential things is working as a data definition language. DDL is a way for users to define and modify the data they are working with. DDL is the sublanguage of the program that allows adding data to tables or any other file that might reside inside the system. It will enable users to change data for their files to function correctly.

DDL is the backbone of major corporations that have to work from the same database. It allows users worldwide to access the files in real-time and allows several different users to work without swapping files back and forth. In addition, SQL saves corporations tons of time in money by keeping the database operational.

SQL Is used As A Data Control Language

Another thing that SQL does is regulate the flow of permissions and access for the database. It keeps people from going into files and areas that are not allowed. For instance, if a low-level employee is trying to get into files specifically for the CEO, the data control language keeps them from doing anything with the files.

As a means of defense, SQL is used by large companies to keep internal sabotage or error to a minimum. Data control is important for companies, and a good SQL will prevent people from erroneously or otherwise taking possession of company data.

SQL Is Used As For Data Manipulation

Once all your database servers are up and running, you will need to control the data that is inside them. SQL works as a data manipulation language that gives users the ability to interact and change the data.

Data manipulation is what makes the database such a valuable tool. People worldwide will be accessing and moving bits of data around the clock. SQL works so that the data they change or manipulate will change across the board. Not just on the console that the user is operating on.

SQL Is Used As A Client-Server Language

Collating data across several terminals and servers is complex work. The SQL works as a client-server language to tie all the work together in one place. It also serves as a road sign on the way to the internet.

SQL and database client-server language connected with other data servers makes up the internet. Structured query language works with all the bits of code and programming to connect with other machines and gives a massive database that we have dubbed the internet.

Applications For SQL

Now that we have an understanding of how SQL influences the database data we work with, it is time to talk about what applications it has in computing. It is an extremely useful language that programmers use in every stage of computer development. They use SQL as communications applications and as a way to work with their own data.

Some of the applications of the SQL code are:

  • Database Administration - SQL will be a considerable part of the program you use to work with your database. It should be a no-brainer at this point that SQL is the language programmers use when creating data farms and interaction with the database comes via some SQL magic.
  • Back End Development - SQL is also important when dealing with the back-end development of an app or program. It works to combine the front and back ends of the build to make them work together as a whole. The SQL will keep user commands from deleting boxes that could be disastrous for the company.
  • Data Analysis - Hidden inside all the structured query goodness of SQL is a bit of code that allows users to perform data analysis. Data analysis on a highly trafficked database can be crucial for companies. It gives them insight into what their employees are working on and oversees the work.
  • Marketing - Believe it or not, SQL is often used in marketing. Our computer-infused world relies on the data analysis portion of SQL to give them data about where we shop and how we spend our money. Database work by storing and locating these types of information that companies find profitable.

The application of SQL should not be confused with how it works. The apps and programs that it uses should be considered tools of the larger whole and not as their entirety. Apps that work with SQL will need a database to work. It is a kind of chicken and egg scenario that shows how dependent one is upon the other.


SQL is a computer programming language that deals with databases and how they operate. It allows users to work at their workstation while someone a world away could be working on the duplicate files. SQL is vital for large companies with workers who need to access data at any time from any place.

The applications that SQL influences are just as crucial as its function. They range in everything from analysis to collection, allowing companies to keep an eye on their sensitive data while extracting the essential pieces for sales to other companies in different industries.

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