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Is It Possible To Learn SQL Without Any Programming Knowledge?

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Having SQL programming skills can definitely help give you a head start in today's job market. The skills are primarily learned by those with prior programming experience who want to expand their knowledge or try something new. However, SQL can be learned by anyone who desires to learn it.

It is possible to learn SQL without any prior programming knowledge. However, it might take a little longer to learn since you're starting from scratch, and you will have to practice programming skills more to get comfortable with them.

The following article briefly explains what skills are needed to learn SQL. It also includes a few suggestions for why you should learn SQL and some tips to make it easier to learn.

What Skills Are Good to Know To Help Learn SQL?

Skills that are good to have before learning SQL are some basic math knowledge and some experience with spreadsheets. Having a little bit of analytical skills, such as finding specific details and being organized, will also help make the process easier.

While you don't need prior programming experience to learn SQL, some skills are good to have and will make the process easier. For example, basic math knowledge and spreadsheet experience will help you learn the skills more quickly. The math skills that you should know or have a refresher on before starting SQL include:

  • Adding/Subtracting
  • Multiplying/Dividing
  • Knowing what the greater/less than and equal to signs mean

Most SQL course sites have a brief refresher on these skills in their first few classes. If you can do those skills comfortably in your head, you already have a solid foundation for learning SQL. Furthermore, having a basic understanding of how spreadsheets function will be beneficial.

SQL involves analyzing a lot of data spreadsheets that hold different kinds of information. So being comfortable with spreadsheet programs like Google Excel or Smartsheet software can help you learn SQL more quickly. You can definitely learn how to read and analyze spreadsheets while going through an SQL course, but having the knowledge prior to learning will make the process easier.

A few other skills that can help you learn SQL are skills you might already have. Analytical skills are advantageous when it comes to learning SQL, especially finding specific details and being well organized. Being detail-oriented can help you pick up on the skills necessary to analyze queries and data sheets more quickly. Even the smallest detail can make the data seem slightly out of place, so having that skill can help you avoid significant frustration.

Lastly, being well organized can make it easier for you to keep track of all of the functions and syntaxes that make SQL work properly. If you are able to figure out what to do to make an SQL spreadsheet correct in your head, then mastering it will be much easier.

Most of these skills can be learned and refreshed in your mind while learning SQL. But learning them beforehand will give you a solid foundation that will make learning SQL easier in the long run.

Why Should I Learn SQL?

The main reason that people are learning SQL is to give them extra job skills to add to their resume. Skills in data analysis are highly valued on the job market, and knowing SQL can give you a head start on those that don't have the skills.

Data and data analysis have an essential role in so many industries. As a result, there is a high demand for employees with data analysis skills, including SQL skills. Learning even basic SQL gives you a great set of skills and knowledge for almost any data analysis job. It will put you ahead of candidates who don't have SQL skills and make you more likely to find a job in the data field.

A few available jobs that require SQL skills include:

  • SQL developer
  • Database tester
  • Marketer
  • Business owner

And there are many more jobs aside from those four. SQL skills can dramatically open up your job prospects despite how simple the skills can be to learn.

Tips For Learning SQL

The best tips you can use for learning SQL are to take a guided course on it and to practice as much as you can. An online course will help you have structure and guidance when learning. Practicing as much as you can will also help ensure you are comfortable with your skills.

Guided Course

While you can learn SQL on your own, with or without prior programming experience, it's usually much easier and faster to learn it by taking a guided course online. The majority of SQL courses available online are free, and even the ones that cost money are usually inexpensive.

The courses guide you through each step of learning SQL, from the basics to the advanced skills of the trade. Some even include courses on extra SQL skills to learn if you want to have a job in the field one day. The structure and guidance you receive from taking a course will help you avoid the frustration and confusion you might get from learning SQL on your own.


Lastly, practicing your skills as much as you can is the best way to get comfortable with SQL quickly. It allows you to put what you've learned into practice and sharpen your skills, and maybe even have some fun while you're at it. There are plenty of SQL sites that offer games you can play with SQL skills, making it easier to get comfortable with them.

Final Thoughts

Having prior programming experience when learning SQL can make the process easier, but it's also possible to learn it even without programming skills with the right willpower. It might take you a little longer to fully master the skills, depending on how advanced you want to go, but it's still possible if you have a good foundation and take the right courses.

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